Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Kind of World Do We Live In?

I was at an emotionally charged Town Council meeting last night. It is fascinating how we can have such different perceptions about a given situation.

We Experience What We Believe
In each moment, we re-create the world in which we live.
Our perception of that world is not objective. It is governed by our beliefs, which we choose and have complete control over. Choose your beliefs carefully, for they determine what you perceive is happening in this and every moment.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Go Deep!

The Well Within
Take a moment each day to revisit the well within each of us. That deep, still well of infinite Love. It is there for each of us to draw from. It is replenished by the cosmos. It transcends space and time because it is the foundation without which nothing else exists. The well of Love sustains Spirit just as water sustains life.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ah, Saturday!

Take a moment today. See if you can put the following thought into practice. It really does make a difference.

Express Your Gratitude
Take a moment each day for a gesture of your gratitude.
A kiss for your loved one. A kind word for someone who needs it. A word of encouragement here. A sincere compliment there. A brief e-mail. A thoughtful voice mail message to surprise the recipient when he/she returns from work or a trip. A smile to a stranger. A hesitation in traffic, to let someone in. A heart-warming thought for yourself. It's nothing, and yet it's everything - it changes the world in which we live.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain, rain, go away.

It's been rainy, dark, gloomy here for weeks. This brings the following to mind:

Be Like a Moth.
The cure for darkness is light
. When you find youself in darkness, or surrounded by darkness, remember that the smallest candle is an antidote to the deepest darkness. Always move your thoughts toward the light. Consciously shift your awareness to the light and your experience of darkness will immediately fade.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Here Goes!

Well. Finally! My website has been up for a couple of years now, but I haven't made it a priority to maintain a blog.

Here Goes! I will be posting inspired thoughts and poetry on this blog as time permits and as the inspiration comes.

I will start with the feelings that gave birth to Heart Speaks and to myself as Speaking Heart...

I am the heart of humankind.
I cry myself to sleep every night.
And each morning I awaken,
filled with the infinite pure Love,
that fills this creation.

Speaking Heart (Stuart McNair)